The Virtual Trade Fair World by MEETYOO for Select AG is reaching the next development stage

Berlin, 07.08.2019: High-resolution display in 3D and more intuitive operation: ubivent and SELECT AG have redesigned the virtual concept of their trade fair world.
85 industry exhibitors are presenting their product innovations and services from 16 September to 27 September in the seven halls of the 12th Trade Fair World. Participants can look forward to five trade fair presentations on everything around the service offering of SELECT AG, 800 exhibition offers by industry partners, 18 competitions and two new exhibitors.
With the 3D optimization of the display, the trade fair world of SELECT AG has an even more authentic effect. Avatars are ready to provide individual advice at the stands of the industry partners. SELECT AG has supplemented the previous chat function with the option of video chat, so that communication between business partners will be even more personal. The reorganization of the exhibition halls ensures intuitive operability for the users.
“The number of trade fair visitors making purchases has recently increased sharply. This shows us that we are addressing the correct target group and that we are providing comprehensive information with our virtual offering”, says Stephan Westbrock, CEO of SELECT AG. “In particular, high-quality workshop equipment is popular in good trade show conditions.”
Dr. Jens Arndt, Managing Director of ubivent GmbH, is also looking forward to a successful event in these changing times: “We are happy to have a long-term partner at our side with Select AG, a partner who shares our commitment to innovation and with whom we have already introduced numerous new features to the platform, such as the e-commerce/shopping basket functionality or Single Sign On (SSO) access for the clients of Select AG.”
Instead of having to cover all areas of interest in one or two days, which is the case for the classic visit to trade shows, the visitors of the virtual trade fair world can use the platform every day for 24 hours over a period of ten days. And the high accessibility is paying off: Each visitor logs into the trade fair world three times on average. With the virtual platform that can be accessed 24 hours a day, the participants have the opportunity to obtain detailed information on products or to visit one of the trade show talks. Product videos and the download options with information all around the solutions on display provide further added value. Trade show visitors therefore have continuous access to pooled information all around the product and services offered by SELECT AG. And all this without travel time, lost hours at the client’s own business, a laborious itinerary and a desk piled with product information. Instead, the trade fair world facilitates a direct link to the company. Any questions on workshop equipment can be addressed during the personal online discussion.
All workshops that are clients of a SELECT shareholder and who, when ordering parts, use the Car Parts Pilot, have access to the trade fair world.
SELECT AG is a purchasing cooperation for wholesale in automotive spare parts. The core business involves services in assisting wholesalers of car parts with the product line, purchasing and sales and the connected free workshop. Established in 2000, today SELECT AG is one of the three leading players in the German independent aftermarket (IAM). Altogether, SELECT AG has 15 wholesalers of car parts as shareholders with 131 own locations. Around 3,700 employees work for the shareholders of the purchasing group all over Germany and look after more than 31,000 clients. The annual turnover amounts to 700 million Euros. In line with its globalisation strategy, SELECT AG has joined TEMOT International (TI) on 1 July 2017 as the largest shareholder.